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"https://" + social + encodeURIComponent(url), "Popup", "toolbar=0,status=0,width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",left=" + left + ",top=" + top ); } // Product Share Link Generator JS || End function checkAddToCartValidity(form_id) { var names = {}; $("." + form_id + " input:radio").each(function () { // find unique names names[$(this).attr("name")] = true; }); var count = 0; $.each(names, function () { // then count them count++; }); if ($("." + form_id + " input:radio:checked").length == count) { return true; } return false; } // Product Buy Now Button Action || Start function buy_now(form_id, redirect_status, url = null) { addToCart(form_id, redirect_status); if (redirect_status == true) { url != null ? (location.href = url) : ""; } else { $("#quickViewModal").modal("hide"); $("#loginModal").modal("show"); } } // Product Buy Now Button Action || End $("#add-to-cart-form input").on("change", function () { stock_check(); }); function stock_check() { minValue = parseInt($(".product_quantity__qty").attr("min")); maxValue = parseInt($(".product_quantity__qty").attr("max")); valueCurrent = parseInt($(".product_quantity__qty").val()); let product_qty = $(".product_quantity__qty"); if (minValue >= valueCurrent) { $(".product_quantity__qty").val(minValue); product_qty .parent() .find(".quantity__minus") .html(''); } else { product_qty .parent() .find(".quantity__minus") .html(''); } if (valueCurrent > maxValue) { toastr.warning("Sorry, stock limit exceeded"); $(".product_quantity__qty").val(maxValue); } getVariantPrice(); } /* Increase */ $(".quantity__plus").on("click", function () { var $qty = $(this).parent().find("input"); var currentVal = parseInt($qty.val()); if (!isNaN(currentVal)) { $qty.val(currentVal + 1); 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$("#quickViewModal").modal("hide"); return false; } else if (response.status == 0) { toastr.warning(response.message, { CloseButton: true, ProgressBar: true, timeOut: 2000, // duration }); return false; } }, complete: function () {}, }); } else if ($("#" + form_id + " input[name=quantity]").val() == 0) { toastr.warning($(`#` + form_id).data("outofstock"), { CloseButton: true, ProgressBar: true, timeOut: 2000, // duration }); } else {$(`#` + form_id).data("errormessage"), { CloseButton: true, ProgressBar: true, timeOut: 2000, // duration }); } } function updateNavCart() { let url = $("#update_nav_cart_url").data("url"); $.post( url, { _token: $('meta[name="_token"]').attr("content"), }, function (response) { $("#cart_items").html(; $("#mobile_app_bar").html(response.mobile_nav); } ); } function removeFromCart(key) { let cart_quantity_of = $(`#cart_quantity_of_${key}`).val(); let url = $("#remove_from_cart_url").data("url"); if (cart_quantity_of == 1) { $.post( url, { _token: $('meta[name="_token"]').attr("content"), key: key, }, function (response) { updateNavCart();, { CloseButton: true, ProgressBar: true, }); 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$("#quickViewModal").modal("hide"); return false; } else if (response.status === 0) { toastr.warning(response.message, { CloseButton: true, ProgressBar: true, timeOut: 2000, // duration }); return false; } }, complete: function () { $("#loading").removeClass("d-grid"); }, }); } // Shop Details Page JS || Start function shopFollowAction(shop_id) { let status = $(".follow_button").data("status"); if (status == 1) {{ title: $(".follow_button").data("titletext"), showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#3085d6", cancelButtonColor: "#d33", confirmButtonText: $(".follow_button").data("titletext2"), }).then((result) => { if (result.isConfirmed) { shopFollow(shop_id); } }); } else { shopFollow(shop_id); } } function shopFollow(shop_id) { $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { "X-CSRF-TOKEN": $('meta[name="_token"]').attr("content"), }, }); $.ajax({ url: $("#shop_follow_url").data("url"), method: "POST", data: { shop_id: shop_id, }, beforeSend: function () { $("#loading").addClass("d-grid"); }, success: function (data) { if (data.value == 1) { toastr.success(data.message); 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